Linda Brownlee | Lindabee Draws Dundee
Inspired by her fascination with the architecture and setting of her home town of Dundee, this exhibition features over 40 new works illustrating the city. Linda’s work documents the essence of Dundee and life within it, without the restrictions of photographic accuracy. In her words, “Dundee Rearranged Slightly” best describes her compositions and philosophy.
Linda Brownlee trained at Glasgow School of Art, qualifying in Textile Design in 1980 before taking up a career in nursing. After 38 years in the health service she returned fulltime to her passion for drawing, and visits to Barcelona developed an interest in capturing street scenes using pen and collage.
“There’s less art studio and more drawing outside in coffee shops or on the terrace of a restaurant or in the open air in the sun”.
Driven by her love of the drawn line, Linda enhances her pen work using scraps of paper skilfully selected and torn from magazines to add extra dimension, texture and colour.