Linda Brownlee | Dundee & Beyond

June 15th- June 30th

Lindabee Draws Dundee returns to Eduardo Alessandro Studios this summer for a brand-new exhibition, Dundee & Beyond. Featuring iconic scenes from her beloved and inspiring home city, Linda returns to old favourites such as the Perth Road and Commercial Street to demonstrate her now instantly recognisable style of colourful collage.

Of course, we couldn’t leave out our beloved Broughty Ferry. Broughty Castle features in Linda’s line-up and some brand-new subjects of some of our favourite local shops and scenes, such as down the front with The Ship Inn and even our next-door neighbour Visocchi’s. Keeping it local, we take a trip across the Tay Bridge to include some St. Andrews locations too, including its renowned golf course and skyline.

Further afield, many corners of Scotland are represented, from Edinburgh’s Royal Mile and Princes St. Gardens to the Mackintosh building at Glasgow School of Art. With a pop of colour and quirky style in each one, there’s something for everyone.

Linda Brownlee